Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Love Letter IV

Dear child,
Do you remember the night you woke up in tears?
It was when the prince of darkness visted.

Oh, your eyes were full of fear.
Oh, but you were wise, little one.
You were scared, but you never did abandon the Son.
Faith is what you kept.
You took the pain, and suffered out of love
You're an inspiration to me.


Holy is He who tends to His sheep.

Holy is He who's love I shall keep.

Holy is He who never abandons me.

I unite my suffering with Yours, O Lord.
I unite my pain with Yours , O Lord.
I unite my tears with Yours, O Lord.
I unite my aching heart with Yours, O Lord.

Father, the pain is too much to bear today.
Father, hold me.
Father, comfort me.
Father, love me.

Despite my sufferings, I know your love.
Despite my sufferings, I will praise your name forevermore.
Despite my sufferings, I will turn my tears to roses,
though it cuts me to the core.

He who defeats evil, sing praise.
He who defeats evil, adore Him forever
He who defeats evil, is the King of Kings.
He who defeats evil, is my love.

Sing praise to the King of Kings
Adore Him forever.

He who is merciful towards sinners, sing praise.
He who is merciful towards sinners, confide in His rays.
He who is merciful towards sinners, exalt Him forever.

Sing praise to He who is merciful.
Exalt Him forever.

He who thirsts for love, confide in Him.
He who thirsts for love, love Him.
He who thirsts for love, is my God and my King.

May His thirst be satisfied.

Sing praise to He who thirsts for love.
Love Him forever.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Everyday life.

I had no intention of writing this week, seeing as I've been busy with various things...but, something happened tonight, and it really hit me. It was enough to inspire me to write.

I've always been very observant. I have ever since I was a baby. As stalkerish as it may sound, I've always enjoyed people watching. As I've grown older, I can't help but wonder what they are thinking, if they believe in God, and what kind of life they live. I mainly am concerned about their salvation. I'd like to say that observing is learning, and I think that would be a true statement. Just by observing, you can learn so much.

What's shocking is the stuff that goes on in this world. What's even more shocking is how easily it can be over-looked.

Many people just walk by each other, and don't bother to look at a person in depth.
Yes, believe it or not, that person you just walked past was once a kid.
That other person you just walked past has feelings, and is most likely going through hardships.
Everyone, open your eyes! There are people that need prayers!

Today, three things happened.

1. I went to the mall and I heard two women talking about birth control/fertilization.
In my heart, I said: "Lord, please show them the truth. Show them that life is something precious."

2. I saw a lady, and she was pregnant. It was like a glimpse of hope after hearing about that conversation. I couldn't help but smile!
In my heart, I said: "Lord, keep her baby healthy."

3. Went to the gas station and I waited in the car while my mom ran into the store to get ice cream. A car pulled up next to us, and in the car were 3 young BEAUTIFUL girls. Probably 19.
1 girl (the driver) was smoking. The passenger walked into the store, and later on threw away two beer shaped looking bottles. (Assuming it was smirnoff ice--there was a drop of liquid left in each bottle and it was white looking.) The girl in the back seat was working on opening another bottle of something. It just made me sad.
My heart broke at this point, but in my heart I said: "Lord, have mercy on them."

I don't ever think of the prayers. It all just quickly came to me. I have such a desire to pray for the conversion of sinners.
I care so much about the salvation of others. I want Christ's thirst of love to be satisfied.

If we don't pray, if we don't follow our Faith, if we don't be a WITNESS...then we are failing to do our part in life. We are called to know God, love God, and serve Him. If we know God, then we will desire for all people to know how great He truly is. We need to show people that they are WORTH something. Those that harm them self with drugs, alcohol, etc...They need to stop! Someone needs to take a stand and say how wrong it is. Is it great that we have people destroying their bodies? No! Because each person is important. Each person has a purpose in life whether they believe it or not. Drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol addiction is nothing more than just a slow suicide. I can't understand why people want that for themselves! What do they see in the mirror when they wake up in the morning? Do they see a person that is worth living?
It angers me, because I believe everyone has potential to turn this world around. To make this world a better place. TO BE something. And to see someone waste it all away, hurts.

If any change is going to take place, it won't be because of us, but because of God.
This is why we must pray, and be Faithful.

Sometimes we're at the right place at the right time, and just don't realize it.
Smile and pray for those that look unhappy.

Let Christ shine through you.

Love always, even if it's hard.

♥ † ♥

Amazing video to watch:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Battle

She feels the air,
It's cold as ice.
Her heartbeat increases
Glass tears fall as she screams"Dear Jesus.."

"Grab all weapons, it's time."
"I see no battle" they say.
She takes them inside her mind.

"Hold your swords high,
leave none alive!"

Each army walks out onto the battlefield..
My Lord, My God..what do you have to say?
"Let it be done unto those that betray.
Do they not know the price they must pay

How difficult it must be
To defend against unsolicited attacks.
But, still the angels march on.

They carry their torches and bear the light.
Oh, how they desire to spread truth to all.
They see evil and think of it as such an awful sight..
But, they pray, and still the angels march on.

The silence is broken by a cruel laughter.
And tears are shed for every sin ever committed.
"Sin, all you sinners" they chant.

The canons break out.
Lies are spread, and death is in the air.
"We refuse to let evil take over..Hallelujah!
We'll raise our swords high!"

This is the night that blood has been shed.
Maggots begin to crawl out of the demon's heads..
Looking to infect another soul..

Which side are you on, reader?
What is your choice of weapon in this battle?
The canon of lies, or the sword of truth?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The importance of Adoration

♥ Jesus told Saint Faustina from the Tabernacle, “Love has brought me here, and love keeps me here” (Diary, 576)." To Saint Margaret Mary He said, “I have a burning thirst to be loved and honored by all in the Blessed Sacrament.” ♥

God's promise to us was this:
“I will be with you until the end of time.” (Mt 28:20) and so He is. He is everywhere, but especially in the Eucharist. Not part of Him, but all of Him. His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. His Heart, His sentiments, His mind, His desires, His love. All of Him. He is present, giving Himself to man for love.

The Eucharist is a wonderful gift of love from Jesus to all of men. It's a reflection of His passion and His suffering. In the book of John, it tells us that Jesus loved us until the end. This means He loved us so much, that He didn't stop. He took on all suffering and died for our sake. THAT is how great His love is.

It's unfortunate that our Lord sits there with open arms, wanting to hear from us... wanting to
be friends with us ..and It's sad when people in my church pass by the library (which is where adoration is currently being held due to remodeling). You don't have a minute to say hello to our Lord? So often, I think we forget He's there because we can't see him.

But, even then..I don't understand. Wouldn't the Eucharist be as visual as it gets?
I think it depends. Some may see a piece of bread. Others, penetrate past the fact, and seek truth.

If you've ever been to adoration, you would know that stuff happens! No, maybe you won't have an amazing conversion, but you will feel at peace. You will learn how to love. You will develop a relationship. You learn to listen. You learn patience.

If only you knew the power of adoration, you would not be looking at the clock every second.
You would not be passing the hallway. And, you would not be wanting to leave. Oh, how it saddens me. If you don't have an hour to spend with Him, do you at least have a minute?

"If souls would put themselves completely in my care, I myself would
undertake the task of sanctifying them, and I would lavish even greater graces
on them. There are souls who thwart My efforts, but I have not given up on them;
as often as they turn to Me, I hurry to their aid, sheilding them with My mercy,
and I give them the first place in My compassionate Heart." --God to Saint

I used to have a lot of struggles, I wasn't proud of myself. I wanted to change, but no matter how much I prayed...nothing would happen. I didn't stop praying though. I desired change more than life itself. I wanted a reason to keep on living, because the way I was living made me feel dead inside. Anyway, I did have a conversion. It was back in September, at the Eucharistic Congress of 09. It wasn't during adoration, but during Mass. Every day since then I have strived to live only for God. I just remember crying and gazing upon the altar and thinking to myself:
"I want to live for You, God, and only You."This desire within me has not changed.

I also used to struggle with anger. I suppose going to adoration has nothing to do with me finally being at peace.

You won't ever be able to convince me that Christ is not present in the EUCHARIST!

It's more than just a piece of bread. It's everything. It's the body, blood, soul and DIVINITY of my Lord and Savior.

On this Divine Mercy Sunday, set aside time for our Lord. Experience His great love and mercy.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Christ is Risen!

Christ is Risen!

I went to Mass last night, and the Epistle was actually a favorite reading of mine.
Rom 6: 3-11

Brothers and sisters:
Are you unaware that we who were baptized into Christ Jesus
were baptized into his death?
We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death,
so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead
by the glory of the Father,
we too might live in newness of life.

For if we have grown into union with him through a death like his,
we shall also be united with him in the resurrection.
We know that our old self was crucified with him,
so that our sinful body might be done away with,
that we might no longer be in slavery to sin.

For a dead person has been absolved from sin.
If, then, we have died with Christ,
we believe that we shall also live with him.
We know that Christ, raised from the dead, dies no more;
death no longer has power over him.
As to his death, he died to sin once and for all;
as to his life, he lives for God.
Consequently, you too must think of yourselves as being dead to sin and living for God in Christ Jesus.

I try my hardest to live by this, because it's my motto. I'm involved with youth group, and we have DTS meetings. DTS stands for Dead Theologians Society and at each meeting we study the life of a Saint. We wear black hoodies in the cold weather which has a monstrance on it & around the monstrance it says: "Mortuum mundo, vivum in Christo."
Which means: Dead to the world, alive in Christ in Latin.
Being dead to the world means to be dead to the sin which this world has to offer, no matter how glamorous it may appear.

We are all called to be a witness in this world, a light that can set the world ablaze. But, we can't do this without first resting in the Eternal light-- God.
We need to reflect HIM!

I hope everyone has reflected on all these readings-- especially this one.
Because it's a constant reminder of what we are called to--holiness!!!
And while it's not easy, we have all of Heaven on our side cheering us on.

Easter is a time of renewal, and by His death and resurrection, we are RENEWED!
It is time to spread fire that burns bright within us.

I also hope that everyone has had a wonderful Easter. :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Crowning Of Thorns.

I'm working on a talk for a Catholic camp program. I might use this, but edit parts.

As I have stated in previous posts, I love to meditate on Christ's passion, especially the crowning of thorns.
Why, you ask? Because, we have many of our own "thorns"--things that bother us. Meditating upon the suffering Jesus experienced when the crown of thorns was placed upon his head will teach us to accept suffering in our own life.

If you're praying the Rosary and meditating on the Crowning of Thorns, you will see that the fruit of the mystery is: Courage. To get through suffering, we should always pray for fortitude/courage, so that we can do what's right no matter how difficult it may be.
Everyone needs courage to keep persevering, to keep carrying their cross. Without it, and without prayer, we will most definitely fall.

I believe for a lot of people, it's hard to pray during the hard times. I never understood why, because I've never had this problem, personally. I've always felt closer to God through suffering. There's only one thing I can think of and it's this:
There's people that must not be well educated in the whole suffering aspect, and don't even how to deal with it. And I'm not even sure people know the greatness that can come from it.

Suffering can......

*Save souls.
Let's say you have a horrible flu-bug. This would be considered as a "thorn". You have a choice to waste this suffering by complaining, or you can bring good from it. You can offer that up for the conversion of sinners/souls in purgatory..which would be the good thing to do.

*Can show you how to love.
*Bring you closer to Jesus.

St. Teresa of Avila said:

"We always find that those who walked closest to Christ were those who had
to bear the greatest trials."

Right now, you may not be suffering the greatest trials.
Maybe you have yet to face them. Maybe you already have though. Maybe a family member passed away. Maybe your parents got a divorce. Whatever it is, these are sufferings that we can take to Jesus. Even if it's small!

Our Lord's suffering is still going on. One of the last things he said was: "I thirst". His thirst was not for water, but for love. He desires for all mankind to know Him, love Him, and serve Him.
If we are suffering, then let's cling to Jesus, who has suffered the most.
Begin by simply telling God how you feel, it doesn't have to be long. Sometimes "Jesus, help me" is enough. But, by running to Him in a time of distress, we are being a bit more like Christ.
Even Jesus ran to the Father during His hardships.

The Rosary is a wonderful way to get familiar with the life of Jesus. Mary will show you just how much her Son suffered through the Rosary. Suffering is not an easy thing, but this is why we have Our Lady. She will shed down the graces we need to get through anything. Pray for strength. Pray for perseverence. Pray for courage.

On good Friday, really meditate on the suffering that Christ through. Allow it to really touch you.
Unite your sufferings with HIS, and you will begin to feel a transformation.