Monday, November 24, 2008

I promise, you're beautiful.

This entry is going out to all the women out there, and all the men.

To put it bluntly-I am so sick of every one dealing with low self-esteem. "I'm ugly" "I'm fat"..etc. Shush! You are not. God created each and every person in the image and likeness of Him. Now, I'm probably going to sound like a hypocrite, because even I suffer from this.
Do you know what I do, though? I accept it. I decide to accept who I am. Will I change? No.
Is our body important? No, it's not. Our body is only temporary, and is on this earth until we die.
Our soul is immortal. Our soul lives on. You see, the media has destroyed the meaning of beauty. We have girls thinking they have to be a size zero, and look like a model.
We have guys thinking the same thing. Girls aren't the only one that suffer from self-esteem issues. Guys do too, they feel like they can't meet up to all these standards.
They feel like girls only like guys with six packs, and all that. We have been lied to, and we are told we have to look this way if we want to be "accepted" in this world. You know what?
Forget what everyone else thinks, you should only be accepting yourself. Never change for anyone. (Unless, for the better. Example: Stop smoking for someone.)

You don't have to be a size zero.
You don't have to have a nice chest...bigger doesn't mean better. Heck, bigger would just cause pain.
You don't have to have blonde hair.
You don't have to have blue eyes.

You don't have to have the perfect muscular body.
You can still be attractive even with "man boobs".

You just have to be you. Why? Because inner beauty is what being "beautiful" is all about.
Your appearence doesn't matter. Everyone has inner beauty, and no one will see that, unless you accept who you are as a person. Simply smiling at someone, could be a way to let that beauty shine out. I read this on a website, and I'll quote it because it's so true.

"The beauty looked at with eyes doesn't last forever. Instead of concentrating on outer beauty, we should concentrate on inner beauty. The point is that inner beauty is more important than outside beauty. So, if we make the effort to make our minds beautiful, we'll be happier."

Love yourself, for who you are.

Ask yourself this...

Would you rather be happy, and live life not caring what you look like?
Or would you rather be miserable, hating yourself, and always having to worry about every flaw

Wake up! We all have flaws! The person that's typing this darn thing right now has acne, and isn't exactly the skinniest. So, should I let my looks control my life? Or, should I simply accept who I am, and move on with life? Most people let their looks control their life, I prefer the latter. Accept who you are, and move on. There are more important things to worry about, and the outer looks certainly don't matter. Especially, since that we are not going to be here forever.

That's all I have to say for now.


Ps. I promise, you're beautiful.
It's your choice to believe that, or not.

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