Monday, December 14, 2009


I am going to talk about prayer-
Here are some tips.

Pray without ceasing.
God is our best friend, and He wants to know everything going on in our lives. He wants us to form a wonderful relationship with Him. But, in a relationship, one person should not have to do all the talking. It goes both ways. So, be open to listening, as well.

Get a prayer life!
It doesn't have to be long. Maybe 5 minutes when you wake up. And another 5 minutes before you go to bed. Spread it apart if you have to! Make your shower time your prayer time.

Ask and you shall receive. .
God can do all things! God will answer, if it is in His will. But, keep in mind, He may not answer your prayers the way you think would be best. Also, pray with confidence!

Pray for others.
We know we aren't the only ones that struggle in this life. Therefore, it is wise of us to pray for others.

Involve your whole soul and body into prayer.
Body language is a huge form of communication, and you'll notice during Mass there is a lot of body language. Sitting, kneeling, standing, bowing, hands raised, our are hands folded, etc. You can pray in any way, but you have to make time for it.

Thank God!
Thank Him for all that He has done. Our loving and merciful Father sent His only Son to die on the cross for our sins. He is worthy of a thank you. Even if things don't seem right in your life, He's worthy of a thank you for giving you a life. For giving you a million chances to keep on striving to better your life.

Prayer is powerful, and never goes to waste.
It is powerful because God is powerful. And God's power is love. He sheds His love on us all.
And if God thinks we aren't really in need of these prayers, it will go to someone that is more in need.

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