To my small group of amazing readers, I appreciate your prayers & your patience.
It is important for us to really know what the will of God is, and to live it out.
But, how can we do this if we don't really know what His will is? What if we don't know how to become Saints? Today I will be talking about the will of God.
You'd think that it'd be a simple thing to explain: "It's the 10 commandments!" and this is true.
But, we're also forgetting other parts of His will for all of us. The will of God for all of us is to get to Heaven so we can spend eternity with Him. It's for us to come to know Him, love Him, and serve Him. He calls us to be holy. In this world full of sin, how do we be holy? How can we come to know, love, and serve Him? It's certainly not easy. But, I believe God and the Catholic Church has so much to offer! We have so many things to help us on our journey to eternal salvation. We have the Saints to look up to. We have all the sacraments. We have Eucharistic Adoration. We have the Mass, which is the highest form of prayer. Holiness is a constant effort, and we aren't expected to reach perfection on earth. But, love is a choice we make. We choose to love our Lord. And by choosing to love our Lord, we are choosing to be holy.
How do we become Saints? We need to cooporate with God. Our brothers and sisters in Heaven that have gone before us are Saints because they followed God. They were (and still are) prophets of the nations. And what do I mean by this? I mean...they lived by example, they wrote, they put together Catholic organizations, they converted people,the list goes on. They are Saints because they did something. They took action. But, in order to be Saints, we need to be RADICALLY in love with our Lord! There are Saints that have died for their Faith. Obviously this won't be the way that everyone leaves this world. But, St. Paul says to "be dead to the world" other words.."Be dead to sin." If you're attached to a specific sin, getting rid of it will hurt. But, rejoice in the pain! The greatest form of love is to surrender. To give it all to God. If we follow this, then it it will show how radical our love truly is.
We are called to die to sin.
Mortuum mundo, vivum in Christo. (Dead to the world, alive in Christ)
Another thing we can do to be Saints is to do everything with love. Another thing Christ calls us to lay down our lives for others. This obviously takes a whole lot of love. A perfect example of someone that had great love for God, and did all things with love is St. Therese. I keep mentioning her, because truly..she's a great role model. When we do things, we should ask ourselves: "Is this an act of love?". With love, we can serve. We can serve by praying for the whole world, or even just a few people. We can give up things for others (ie: the conversion of sinners)
We can't experience the will of God, unless we are open to it. We have to constantly strive to stay holy, therefore..we must repent. We have to realize that it's God's way and not our way.
Through prayer, and openess, offer your body up as a living sacrifice.
Ask Him to live His life through you. Ask for holiness, and a holy desire--it's a grace!
Do all these things and...
...Thy will be done.
Let us strive every day to be holy. So that one day, we can see our family in Heaven.
Dear Fr. Mark,
Thank you so much for your kind words. I have truly felt touched by them.
I used to write as a hobby, but now it's become my passion. And I don't want to write for the sake of writing. My one true desire is to bring others to Christ through my writings.. Even if they already are Catholic.
Your comment has proven to me that there are people reading. And actually taking my writings to heart. Thank you. And I appreciate the prayers. You will be in mine.
God bless, Father.
I found your blog today via Face Forward. I have to say that I am touched by what you have written. You have done an incredible job. I will be praying for you and your journey!
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