Monday, November 24, 2008

God's happiness VS Satan's.

I actually wrote this back in May of 07. But, I still like it.

I've been contemplating about "happiness" a lot tonight. Especially after hearing a talk about "happiness" at the Catholic camporee I was at.
What brings you happiness? Is it Jesus, or is it other? (Other meaning "things" video games...etc.) For me, it's Jesus. The man that once walked this same earth that we do now. Yes, Jesus! Who suffered, died, and was buried., then rose again on the third day. He's the one who I can pray to, and He'll listen. He's the one who I'll cry to, and he'll say it'll be okay. After all he has done for us...shouldn't He be first in our lives? Not second, not third, first! I think He should be. If you truly want him to be number one in your lives, you want a true relationship with the Lord. It takes work, but it pays off. It's not like "I want to be happy. I guess I'll just say God you are number one." No, it doesn't work like that.Not only your body, but your soul, needs to be healthy. Your soul needs to be fulfilled! It will be weak, and you won't be able to fight the devil's temptations. You'll lose, and you'll step further away from Christ. And if you keep giving into the devil, you become weaker, not stronger. Your life will be messed up. But if you do things.. Like pray every day, read the bible, study your faith, go to church, your soul will feel stronger! And you'll be able to fight those battles! You may lose sometimes, but it's okay. We all do! No one is perfect. :) But if you do all those good things, you'll feel great. And let that greatness shine through you, so people question you......
You know what...I was just thinking...about those who don't believe in Christ.And was wondering how they get happiness...Come to find...they don't have happiness. Not true happiness, anyway.I believe there is something missing, but they don't realize it, nor feel that it's missing because they have "happiness" from something else.. I just read about this sort of stuff in "The Screwtape Letters" (a good book --it teaches how the devil works in his sly ways) basically, the devil will pretty much do anything to get your mind off Christ. If you're praying, the devil will remind you that you're hungry and that you should go make a sandwich. If you end up falling for little things like that, you'll mess up more, and end up feeling empty. It's because you are putting Christ on hold. That's not good!Let me quote something from "The Screwtape Letters""The attack has a much better chance of success when the man's whole inner world is drab and cold and empty." The devil will try to tell you that there are other ways to be happy. Suddenly it won't be Christ that makes you happy.It will be other things. I've known some non-believers. The names I shall not utter. But, one does drugs. She’s happy though. The other falls into lust, but he's happy. But they aren't strong. If they were, they probably wouldn’t be doing this kind of stuff. I think that's what’s different from God's happiness, and Satan's happiness.Satan's happiness makes you weak. God's makes you stronger.But Satan wants you to be weak! You fall into temptation easier.So basically, if you want to be strong, and want to fight the temptations of the devil..Work your way up, and become truly happy, and become strong. So that your soul has its armor, shield, and sword. You do want to fight the devil, don’t you? I do.

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