I had no intention of writing this week, seeing as I've been busy with various things...but, something happened tonight, and it really hit me. It was enough to inspire me to write.
I've always been very observant. I have ever since I was a baby. As stalkerish as it may sound, I've always enjoyed people watching. As I've grown older, I can't help but wonder what they are thinking, if they believe in God, and what kind of life they live. I mainly am concerned about their salvation. I'd like to say that observing is learning, and I think that would be a true statement. Just by observing, you can learn so much.
What's shocking is the stuff that goes on in this world. What's even more shocking is how easily it can be over-looked.
Many people just walk by each other, and don't bother to look at a person in depth.
Yes, believe it or not, that person you just walked past was once a kid.
That other person you just walked past has feelings, and is most likely going through hardships.
Everyone, open your eyes! There are people that need prayers!
Today, three things happened.
1. I went to the mall and I heard two women talking about birth control/fertilization.
In my heart, I said: "Lord, please show them the truth. Show them that life is something precious."
2. I saw a lady, and she was pregnant. It was like a glimpse of hope after hearing about that conversation. I couldn't help but smile!
In my heart, I said: "Lord, keep her baby healthy."

3. Went to the gas station and I waited in the car while my mom ran into the store to get ice cream. A car pulled up next to us, and in the car were 3 young BEAUTIFUL girls. Probably 19.
1 girl (the driver) was smoking. The passenger walked into the store, and later on threw away two beer shaped looking bottles. (Assuming it was smirnoff ice--there was a drop of liquid left in each bottle and it was white looking.) The girl in the back seat was working on opening another bottle of something. It just made me sad.
My heart broke at this point, but in my heart I said: "Lord, have mercy on them."
I don't ever think of the prayers. It all just quickly came to me. I have such a desire to pray for the conversion of sinners.
I care so much about the salvation of others. I want Christ's thirst of love to be satisfied.
If we don't pray, if we don't follow our Faith, if we don't be a WITNESS...then we are failing to do our part in life. We are called to know God, love God, and serve Him. If we know God, then we will desire for all people to know how great He truly is. We need to show people that they are WORTH something. Those that harm them self with drugs, alcohol, etc...They need to stop! Someone needs to take a stand and say how wrong it is. Is it great that we have people destroying their bodies? No! Because each person is important. Each person has a purpose in life whether they believe it or not. Drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol addiction is nothing more than just a slow suicide. I can't understand why people want that for themselves! What do they see in the mirror when they wake up in the morning? Do they see a person that is worth living?
It angers me, because I believe everyone has potential to turn this world around. To make this world a better place. TO BE something. And to see someone waste it all away, hurts.
If any change is going to take place, it won't be because of us, but because of God.
This is why we must pray, and be Faithful.
Sometimes we're at the right place at the right time, and just don't realize it.
Smile and pray for those that look unhappy.
Let Christ shine through you.
Love always, even if it's hard.
♥ † ♥
Amazing video to watch:
Hi there again :),
I feel the same way as you do about that. The only thing we can do is pray, and stay in constant prayer with our LORD.
When I walk about in this world and I look around and observe the lives, situations, and conversations of people,it feels surreal to me.
I guess it is because as a Christian we see more of the bigger picture of things through God, and the consequences they are going to face, if they continue on this path of darkness.
So we as the children of our Lord God, we must pray for them, talk to them about the Lord.
The Video was so amazing,I cried! Would you mind if I posted the video on my blog? I know a lot of young people who need to see that and older people. It might touch someone so much that they may give their life to God. :)
Thank You
I wish you Peace, Love and Happiness through our Lord.
May God Bless You
You're totally right.
The best thing we can do is pray.
You may post the video on your blog. :)
Love & prayers,
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