Yes, I'm a tad late, but I hope everyone had a wonderful July 4th weekend. Here in Ohio, they set fireworks off early.
So, I saw fireworks on the 2nd. I don't have a problem with that, seeing as I went to the "Red, White, and boom"--supposedly the biggest firework show in the country. The fireworks made it worth going to. Above is a picture of the actual show. I had a problem with the entire atmosphere, though. I don't think I've ever seen so much sin in one place. Well, maybe I have, but for some reason it all really stuck out. It made my soul ache. I felt sorrow for the lost souls that were wandering all around me. By all means, I am not saying that I am better than them. I am a sinner too, but by the grace of God, I know better. I still have the choice to choose wrong, and unfortunately I do make mistakes.
You're probably wondering exactly what kind of atmosphere was I surrounded by. Well, it was like walking into hell. How does a guy stay pure when girls wear "dresses" that obviously need leggings/pants?! Upper thigh length doesn't cut it, honey. I hate all the swearing, stealing, random make-out sessions, smoking (this includes cigarette packs stuffed in bras), and disgusting music. You would think that they would at least play better music, seeing as it IS a family event and little kids are around. I guess not. Everyone is so desensitized. Swearing? No big deal, everyone does it. Immodest dressing? Who cares! It's my body, and if I feel comfortable with my body..why not?! This is the society that we live in.
I went church for 5+ minutes before leaving, and let me just tell you...I enjoyed it so much.
It was like walking from hell into Heaven. Also, another side note--I've gone to the March For Life for the past 4 years, and I've never had a problem with crowds there. Why? Because I know I'm there for a good cause. Anywhere else, and I feel like I'm being suffocated.
It was like walking from hell into Heaven. Also, another side note--I've gone to the March For Life for the past 4 years, and I've never had a problem with crowds there. Why? Because I know I'm there for a good cause. Anywhere else, and I feel like I'm being suffocated.
Do you see the sin in this world? What do you do about it? Do you simply walk past whomever is sinning? Do you quietly pray for that person? Do you confront this person face to face?
I think most of the time, it's easy for us to just walk past people.
I don't know about you, but I've always been a people watcher. People fascinate me.
I often wonder what kind of day they had, how they are feeling, what's going through their head, and even what state their soul is in. Sometimes I pick up vibes from people that tell me to pray for them. But, if we simply walk past people that are doing wrong, like it's no big deal, then WE are desensitized to the evil that surrounds us. This means that something is seriously wrong.
"If I had to advise parents, I should tell them to take great care about the
people with whom their children associate . . . Much harm may result from bad
company, and we are inclined by nature to follow what is worse than what is
better."-St Elizabeth Ann Seton
Take it from someone that knows... she could not be anymore right.
Ever heard either of these sayings?
"You are, who you hang out with"? or
"Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are"?
It's true. We"are inclined by nature to follow what is worse than what is better."
"Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are"?
It's true. We"are inclined by nature to follow what is worse than what is better."
We have to pray for sinners everywhere. I advise everyone to offer up suffering for sinners everywhere through prayer. It is when we pray for others, we learn to pray for ourselves.
Even if it's someone that we don't like. We must understand that love is not a feeling, but a choice. And this choice we *must* make is not always a warm and fuzzy feeling.
Sometimes, it will cost us. Sometimes, we have to suffer. Look at Jesus, Padre Pio, Mother Teresa, and many Saints. We need to look to our brothers and sisters in Heaven as an example.
Is is by suffering, we receive many graces though, if we respond with love.
Sometimes, it will cost us. Sometimes, we have to suffer. Look at Jesus, Padre Pio, Mother Teresa, and many Saints. We need to look to our brothers and sisters in Heaven as an example.
Is is by suffering, we receive many graces though, if we respond with love.
I have a challenge for everyone.
If you are passing someone that appears to be sinning, simply say this in your heart:
"For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world."
May we cling to the Cross, so that we grow in love and holiness. May we become more like Christ each and every moment. With each breath we take, may we say "I love You, Jesus".
May we cling to the Cross, so that we grow in love and holiness. May we become more like Christ each and every moment. With each breath we take, may we say "I love You, Jesus".
And may our eyes be fixated upon the Kingdom of Heaven, not the kingdom of Satan.
O Lord, make our hearts like unto thine. Pure. Grant us the graces to live the Mass, to serve others, and to love with an undivided heart. May we grow in holiness, that in holiness, we may learn right from wrong. May we speak with the fire of the Holy Spirit within us, and nothing that will offend Your Holy name. May we cling to the Cross, and die to the sin of the world.
May we be a reflection of Your Holy light, that we may set the world ablaze to prepare the world for the second coming.

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