White(good) team:
"Bishops"= Religious men and women.
"Knights"= The angels and Saints
"Queen"= Mary.
"King"= Jesus.
"Pawns"=Regular people that are faithful.
"Rooks"= Church/Mass
Black (evil) team:
"Bishops"= demons.
"Knights"= demons.
"Queen"= The devil's servant.
(eg: What Wormwood was to Screwtape)
"King"= The devil.
"Pawns"=Those that deny Christ.
"Rooks"= The sin in this world.
In the beginning of time...
God created the angels. A certain angel, who went by the name of Lucifer, was the highest angel in Heaven. Until he got greedy, and prideful. He wanted to be above God. This caused a battle between Heaven and Hell. An angel who now is very popular and well known, defeated Lucifer. He goes by the name of St. Michael the Archangel. Lucifer was cast into hell along with those that decided to follow him. Lucifer is now the "prince of darkness". The one that "seeks the ruin of souls". The "devil". "Satan".
Fast forwarding a bit..
God created a man, and a woman. Adam and Eve. They were told by God to not to eat the fruit off of this tree. But, they did. They were tricked and deceived by Satan himself. He worked in his sly ways to make it seem "okay". Because of their fall we have to endure the pain and suffering in this world. We have to endure evil.
I know the evil in this world is there. The Pope says we are living in a culture of death, and it's true. Death because there's so much evil and hatred in this world. So much hatred for human life. Abortion, euthanasia, human cloning, etc. Once you give the big "okay!" to all of this, then it's suddenly okay to kill random people that are simply living out of the womb! It's okay to murder. It's okay to bully innocent people. We have no respect for people any more! And don't say you are "pro-choice". That's just a liberal term to water down what you really are. You're pro-death. I understand there are those that "claim" they are pro-life, but "respect the freedom of choice".
Again, what choice? The choice to kill? Yes, how lovely. Did you ask the baby if they wanted to die? When I hear people say they are "pro-choice" I know which battle they are fighting in.
They are fighting in Hell's army. And these are the people that make me cry.
How I mourn the loss of good for these people. It makes me sick. It makes me cry.
Satan has blinded many, unfortunately. And, even worse, many of them are "Catholics". I put Catholics in quotations because these "Catholics" that vote for Obama, don't go to Mass, use birth control, etc. Are making ALL of us look like fools. And the perfect example for this is VP Joe Biden.
St. John Vianney said it perfectly- "You cannot please both God and the world at the same time, They are utterly opposed to each other in their thoughts, their desires, and their actions."
This is not what the church has taught us.
As Catholics, it is our obligation to vote pro-life. End of story.
Even if you don't agree with the person on other things.
If we don't fight in this spiritual battle, who will?
If the Catholics just end up not caring, the devil will win.
Birth control and abortion has killed off GENERATIONS and it's damaging the Catholic Church.
People are worried about the world being "over populated". Haha. People die all the time! God wouldn't let the world get over populated. We are UNDER populated now. We are in need of priests, that's how bad things have gotten.
Heaven VS Hell is battling. Constantly. I've seen an angel. I've felt the presence of a demon.
I've seen angels and demons battling in my dreams. Our Lady gave us a powerful weapon to defeat evil. The Rosary. It's a simple prayer. And if you don't know how, you can always google it. You don't even have to say the full Rosary. Just one decade is wonderful.
Mix it up throughout the day. Catholics, stop waving the white flag. You have God on your side. You can help us defeat evil! You can make a difference! Remember, it's God that defeated Satan once before.
- Pray without ceasing.
- Receieve the Sacraments frequently.
- Go to Mass often.
- Pretend like you are sailing a ship. Don't sail in unknown dangerous areas.
- Instead, sail your boat between Jesus and Mary. Let them be the center of things.
This will make it harder on the devil to say "check mate".
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