I never thought much of any of this, until now.
Maybe, it means something. Maybe I'm supposed to send out a message. So, that's what I'm going to do now.
When I was a young girl, I would always watch EWTN at night before going to bed. My favorite show on there was Mother Angelica. When I was six years old, I decided I wanted to be just like her.
At the same age, I had a spiritual dream.
I was living in a house. It looked haunted, almost.
My mother's bathroom was made out of pure gold.
The walls, sinks, everything was just gold.
I remember seeing the devil appear in the middle of the house, and he started destroying everything in sight. But, the only object that I really remember him destroying is the computer.
Now, here's my thoughts on it:
I think this dream means that the world is blind. They can't see the battle between good VS evil because our focus isn't of anything "Spiritual" We often worry about what next fancy thing we need to have to be "happy." (I think this is what the gold bathroom means)
We need to open up our eyes. Satan's army is sneaky. They lie. They deceive. They get you hooked on the wrong things.
This world is full of sin, and just the internet world is awful. Google the word "porn" and you get
219,000,000 results. Google the word "sex" and you get 96,600,000 results. Google "gay pornography" and you get 16,700,000 results. It's everywhere! Satan is seeking the ruin of souls, and the internet is the perfect way to do it. Trust me.
Webcams/Cyber sex
This is a perfect way to commit a grave sin. And not only you are comitting a grave sin, but the other person is as well.
The internet is probably the biggest trap. In my dream, it was not the devil destroying the computer. He was destroying the souls that are trapped "inside the computer".
"The attack has a much better chance of success when the man's whole inner world is drab and cold and empty." (The Screwtape Letters- Chapter 9)
This is why it's important to stay close to God through frequent prayer, frequent confession, and frequent Holy Communion. Cars need gas to run, correct? Our soul needs spiritual food and knowledge, otherwise it will wither away because the enemy will grasp onto it.
In my dream, an angel defeated Satan. I believe this is a sign that if you choose to stay close to Jesus, Mary, and all the Saints....the enemy will be defeated. Heaven always wins. Always.
Rule: Do not let yourself get bored! It is when we are bored, we sin. We seek excitment.
There are plenty of ways to keep busy, without sinning. Just going outside for a walk helps.
I enjoy baking bread, personally. I also enjoy writing. I suggest listening to gregorian chant at some point every day. It's spiritual music and prayer for the soul. It's uplifting, yet sad at the same time. It brings peace, and allows your mind to focus only on God.
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