We often complain too much. This is why we are never happy. We always are complaining about something. We can never be satisfied. Let's face it, this storm will never pass as long as there is evil in this world. We must learn to dance in the rain.
Because we complain so much, it's hard for us to see the beauty in every day life.
I think we tend to take advantage of so many things.
Recently, a terrible earthquake hit Haiti which has resulted in many deaths. Those that are living, are suffering and are living in poverty.
And even though what happed in Haiti is a terrible situation, I somehow believe that good can come from this. I believe that good already is coming from this.
I believe it's bringing unity. People are working together. People are praying.
But, moving on..
We're never satisfied, as humans.
We always have to have the latest gadget. We tend to think that as long as we have stuff, we'll be happy. In reality, we are trying to fill a void. A void that can't be filled, unless it's by God Himself. God is love, and He will fill us up.
God is everywhere. And, if we can try to find God in everything, then I believe we can be more happy. God can be seen in nature, because He created it.
Instead of saying: "I hate snow!" Look at how it sparkles when the sun hits it. Instead of saying: "I hate rain!" Imagine how things would be without it. Everything would die. It's a natural way to give plants a good watering.
There's music, and art, and books. So many things to remind us that life is beautiful. And of course, there's the Mass, the most beautiful thing on earth.
All humans withold beauty. Even if they seem horrible.
We should love them, as Christ has loved us. We don't have to be their friend, but we have to love them. Love them and pray for them.
Everything we do, we should do with love.
It's easy to complain, but complaining has never has fixed anything.
And loving just feels better! It warms your entire heart, until it's about to burst.
St. Therese Said:
"Without love, deeds, even the most brilliant, count as nothing."
So, love. Take the time to admire the beauty that God has created.
Try to find good in everything, as bad as it may seem.
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